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Top Schools in Sikar, Rajasthan

Schools in Sikar are now considered as one the best schools in India. The Central Government Schooling System Index has scored all the states, and Sikar and Jaipur got the highest ranks.

Best Schools:

Sikar has secured top grades in all the districts of the country.

Top 5 schools in Sikar

Top 5 Schools of Jaipur:

PGI-D Categories for Best Schools in Sikar

Do you want to know by which criteria you should look to check a school to find out whether it is the best or not? Check the six categories deeply to understand who is the best school in Sikar.

The government scored PGI-D (Performance Grading Index for Districts) in six categories. These categories are academic results, effective classroom transactions, student rights, school safety, and child protection, digital education, infrastructure facilities, and governance processes.

Academic Results

From the academic result, you get to know how well the students of the school are performing in the examinations. Academic results describe outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has achieved their learning goals.

Classroom Transactions

Classroom transactions include teacher, study material, environment, assessment, mode, teaching style, etc. Therefore, the best school will always follow effective classroom practices to build quality relationships.

Students’ Rights, Safety, Protection

Just because you sent your child to school doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry. The safety, rights, and security of a child are essential things. However, safety inside your child’s school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff. Therefore, parents should enroll their children in a school where the school takes full responsibility for their children.

Digital Education

Digital education empowers the efficiency and productivity of students. Also, its tools and technology enhance critical thinking skills which are the basis for the development of reasoning skills. Students also develop positive emotions and develop the confidence to learn new things. With digital instruction, students learn at an early age to accept greater personal responsibility while also improving communication and teamwork.

Infrastructure Facilities

It is a key element of students’ learning experience. Some of the key components which should feature in an ideal checklist while assessing any school infrastructure are as follows:

  • Spacious and well-ventilated classrooms
  • Green Playgrounds
  • Well-equipped labs
  • Libraries
  • Facilities study tables, chairs, furniture, and basic utilities such as water, electricity, etc.
  • Study halls
  • Sports equipment
  • Assembly area
  • Well-maintained sanitation facilities

Governance Processes

Governance in schools is about calling the leadership to account, supporting them with skills and resources, and helping them chart a path of continuous improvement for the school. 

Details of Best Schools in Sikar

If we start counting the votes, there will be more than 100+ schools in Sikar, but few schools have performed well and impacted the quality of education. Sikar was earlier considered only a region of Shekhawati, but now Sikar is also one of the places to provide quality education. Now, Sikar has the best English-medium schools, top CBSE schools, good RBSE schools, ICSE schools, and more than that it’s an excellent hub for engineers and doctors/medical students. This beautiful city has more than 20+ best IIT/JEE/NEET/NDA/Defence/coaching centers.

Let’s start the comparison of the top 5 schools in Sikar as per PGI-D parameters:

MATRIX HIGH SCHOOL 9.5 10 10 9.8 10 10 59.3
EURO SCHOOL 8.5 9 10 9 8.5 9 54
PRINCE SCHOOL 8.5 8 10 8.5 10 8.5 53.5
SANSKAR INTERNATIONAL 8.4 8.5 10 9 8 8.5 52.4
DAFFODILS WORLD SCHOOL 9 8 10 8.9 8.2 8 52.1

Hence, from the above comparison, we have found the five best English-medium schools in Sikar. In this Matrix High School Sikar has scored high (59.3 out of 60) among other schools. Also, this school comes on the list of top 20 schools across Rajasthan. Matrix High School has shown the best performance in every examination and this school is no match with other schools in Sikar.

This school is also known as MHS. This school has come out the best in every category. Whether it’s about child protection, safety, overall development, or outcome: MHS scored the highest in every way.

Another, good school in Sikar;

Euro International School, this school is also no less than others. They have scored (54 out of 60 ) the second highest in all PGI-D categories as per our survey. We have included this school in our list of best schools because this school is very well known for primary students like Matrix High school known as the best secondary education school.

Also, Prince School in Sikar has achieved great scores in the above all sex categories. This school offers great facilities to its students.

Parents want to select only the best performing school

From our survey, we found that most of the parents of the best performing students believe that more than half of their child’s success goes to the best school only. Only a good potter can shape the clay and make a strong pot, similarly, a good teacher from a top school knows how to shape a student’s future and make him a top-performing student.


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